so it's like that is it?
2 Comments Published by katitude on Sunday, January 28, 2007 at 10:15 p.m..
The Poquer Gods hath heard my plea in my last post, and sendeth their Mercury, their messenger with a missive from on high:
More Ass Grabbing.
I smiled when I read this direction in the Comments section, for I have found their Messenger to be a clever trickster, and much admire his sly wit and amusing delivery.
But I ignored this small instruction.
And as a result, the Poquer Gods have turned from me even more and now bestow their favours upon others. In an effort to ingratiate myself once more into their good graces, I humbly offer for their amusement....
More Ass Grabbing (some borderline NSFW)
So dear Poquer Gods and Messengers, I doth hope that this pleases you.
Can I stop bubbling now? Pretty please?
More Ass Grabbing.
I smiled when I read this direction in the Comments section, for I have found their Messenger to be a clever trickster, and much admire his sly wit and amusing delivery.
But I ignored this small instruction.
And as a result, the Poquer Gods have turned from me even more and now bestow their favours upon others. In an effort to ingratiate myself once more into their good graces, I humbly offer for their amusement....
More Ass Grabbing (some borderline NSFW)
- the guy-girl grab
- the girl-guy grab
- the girl-girl grab
- the guy-guy grab
- the grab-a-trois
- the group grab
- the self grab
So dear Poquer Gods and Messengers, I doth hope that this pleases you.
Can I stop bubbling now? Pretty please?
Let us look into the mind of the Poker gods.
If their goal is to screw you over by letting you reach the bubble and then poke you with pointy sticks, then you must fool them as would Loki. You see, they believe you WANT to win money, so they pick the most painful time to disallow this. What you must do is convince them that the worst possible thing that could happen would be for you to win. That way, they'll throw you cards when you're just about to go out; they'll double you up when you go all-in with middle pair and runner-runner quads.
If you don't think you can be convincing enough (ie.- tired, cranky, sick, and really just wanting to go to bed, why did I decide to start this game at midnight?), then up your aim. Don't aim for the money, aim for the whole damned thing. You want first! Nothing less will satisfy! You will therefore get 2nd, just to "piss you off". For those gods of Poker are cruel that way.
Also, don't go all-in with cowboys as an overpair on a low unconnected rainbow flop when the guy next to you flopped his set of twos. Just a tip... it, umm... happened to a friend of mine. Yah... yah.
And also, certain fish will chase their nut flush draw NO MATTER what odds they are given. Or so I've heard.
Mr. P.