thanks to Tenmile for a new meme, which happily lands on a day that I have absolutely zero that I want to write about publicly.
Here are the rules: Put your music player on shuffle. Press forward for each question. Use the song title as the answer to the question even if it doesn't make sense.
30 Songs:
How am I feeling today? I'm Bored.
Will I get far in life? Crushed
What's your current state of mind? Breather
How do my friends see me? Blonde and Blue
Where will I get married? Troops of Tomorrow
What is your view of marriage? Euphoria
What is my best friend's theme song? When the Angles Sing
What is the story of my life? Well Did You Evah?
What is/was high school like? Will You Catch Me?
How can I get ahead in life? Well That Was Easy
What is the best thing about me? Death Disco
What is today going to be like? The Way I Like It
What is in store for this weekend? Blame It On The Moon
Describe my parents? Drop Dead Celebration
Describe my grandparents? The Empire Strikes First
How is my life going? Beautiful Thing
What song will they play at my funeral? It's Oh So Quiet
How does the world see me? Rock n Roll High School
Will I have a happy life? Coloured Bedspread
What do my friends really think of me? Hotel For Women
Do people secretly lust after me? Prelude
How can I make myself happy? Sweetest Drop
What should I do with my life? Inbetween Days Shiver Mix
Will I ever have children? Cowboys
What is some good advice for me? Fish Below The Ice
How will I be remembered? Image Change
What is my signature dancing song? Gimme Shelter
What is my current theme song? Everything That Rises
What do people think my current theme song is? Vision Thing
What type of men/women do you like? Kinda Nice, I Like It
This proves once again that randomness is surreal.
Here are the rules: Put your music player on shuffle. Press forward for each question. Use the song title as the answer to the question even if it doesn't make sense.
30 Songs:
How am I feeling today? I'm Bored.
Will I get far in life? Crushed
What's your current state of mind? Breather
How do my friends see me? Blonde and Blue
Where will I get married? Troops of Tomorrow
What is your view of marriage? Euphoria
What is my best friend's theme song? When the Angles Sing
What is the story of my life? Well Did You Evah?
What is/was high school like? Will You Catch Me?
How can I get ahead in life? Well That Was Easy
What is the best thing about me? Death Disco
What is today going to be like? The Way I Like It
What is in store for this weekend? Blame It On The Moon
Describe my parents? Drop Dead Celebration
Describe my grandparents? The Empire Strikes First
How is my life going? Beautiful Thing
What song will they play at my funeral? It's Oh So Quiet
How does the world see me? Rock n Roll High School
Will I have a happy life? Coloured Bedspread
What do my friends really think of me? Hotel For Women
Do people secretly lust after me? Prelude
How can I make myself happy? Sweetest Drop
What should I do with my life? Inbetween Days Shiver Mix
Will I ever have children? Cowboys
What is some good advice for me? Fish Below The Ice
How will I be remembered? Image Change
What is my signature dancing song? Gimme Shelter
What is my current theme song? Everything That Rises
What do people think my current theme song is? Vision Thing
What type of men/women do you like? Kinda Nice, I Like It
This proves once again that randomness is surreal.
Ha, that's a fun one. I think I may be a closet meme addict. LOL
And yea, I had to do it, too. :)
Still don't have an Ipod cause I have and entire Radio station!
go fig!