three out of four isn't bad ... or...I *really* have nothing to complain about
4 Comments Published by katitude on Monday, October 16, 2006 at 11:21 p.m..
Mondays are long. 8 until 5, working through lunch. 6 classes in a row, then a club to organize and supervise. Add a monthly Monday staff meeting and it makes Kat a tired and grumpy kitty to be sure. By the time I got out of the meeting and home it was far too late to even begin to speculate about the merest notion of heading to Taylor and Tawny's to even cross my mind (props to the inimitable Douglas Adams).
So I pull on the comfy lounging clothes, fire up the laptop, put my feet up and prepare to donk off some cash on Tilt.
But the Pantheon of Poker Deities were still smiling on me apparently... within ten minutes of sitting down at 5+.50 MTT and a 8+.70 token peep, I saw this on the the MTT:
And very shortly afterwards, was looking at these sweet bitches on the token peep:

And yes, I did win the token AND place ITM (barely) in the MTT.
Wow. What a rush.
Feelinginvincible, powerful, adept, good, OK, somewhat adequate to the task, I then used my token to play a Tier Two token. Which I won. Not spectacularly or with any rare hands; but just folding like a maniac rather than playing like a maniac.
Well, cool, ok, I'm ready for the MATH on Stars.
The long day caught up with me about the same time as the Pantheon of Poker Deities turned their attention (and the good cards) elsewhere. I held on to finish 11th of 24 somehow, busting when Astin's pocket Jacks proved far mightier than my pocket sevens. Which, if memory serves, is the same pocket pair that I have been busted out of blogger games at least 4 times before.
So from now on......
So I pull on the comfy lounging clothes, fire up the laptop, put my feet up and prepare to donk off some cash on Tilt.
But the Pantheon of Poker Deities were still smiling on me apparently... within ten minutes of sitting down at 5+.50 MTT and a 8+.70 token peep, I saw this on the the MTT:

And yes, I did win the token AND place ITM (barely) in the MTT.
Wow. What a rush.
Well, cool, ok, I'm ready for the MATH on Stars.
The long day caught up with me about the same time as the Pantheon of Poker Deities turned their attention (and the good cards) elsewhere. I held on to finish 11th of 24 somehow, busting when Astin's pocket Jacks proved far mightier than my pocket sevens. Which, if memory serves, is the same pocket pair that I have been busted out of blogger games at least 4 times before.
So from now on......

I need me a pack them there cards.
Just pretend "of" was inserted into my previous post at the appropriate place. Makes me feel like less of a moron. Cheers.
i agree...erotica is a lost art.
Congrats...see you at the Big Game. I noticed you are registered. Way to go!