You know, I really don't mind bad days, like Thursday, because they make me appreciate days like yesterday even more.
Part One:
My beloved not only lets me sleep in, but then brings me coffee in bed when he hears me stirring followed by breakfast in bed. We sat and ate pancakes (he makes killer pancakes) with berries and the good maple syrup that we bought in Quebec while on vacation), and talked about where we're going for the holidays (Calgary to see family and the mountains in winter. And to bug Joanada grin.)
Part Two:
Hunny Bunny had a gig at the Fallsview Casino Sunday night/Monday, so he decided to leave early, and take me with him so we could spend at least part of the day together hanging out. It was gorgeous - sunny but cool enough to keep most of the tourists inside. We wandered around with hot chocolates in hand, generally goofing off.
Time came for him to check in, so we headed back to the hotel, only to find his reservation was for Monday night, not Sunday. Yep, due some communication problems he'd gone a day earlier. Which left us the rest of the day to keep goofing off.
We headed down the Niagara Parkway, and hiked down into the Gorge by the Whirlpool, and just followed the path along the Niagara River.
Words fail me. It was an utterly perfect afternoon.
Part Three:

Tenth. Holy cats! Everything clicked. I played the best I have in a while, and only sucked out someone once when I hit JJ in the SB. After everyone folded, I pushed all in at Change100 in the BB ... however she pushed back with her QQ. Even as I was typing "GG, buh-bye" a Jack hit on the river.
I can't tell you how badly I wanted to see the final table. But when you're short stacked and see AK s00ted and everyone folds around to you, well, it looks like blind steal time. Alas, BB called me and his pocket fours held.
Merci beaucoup to Bloody P who sweated me through most of it and kept me from freaking out (of course, I'm blaming the loss on him *grin - he signed off 5 minutes before I busted out). Muchos gracias also to Joanne, Astin, Fastpitch, and everyone else who sweated and wished well :-)
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In case anyone is wondering where my entry is to Pauly's essay contest, I decided to pass, for two reasons.
Firstly (and more importantly), I've read the other entries. And frankly, they are far, far cleverer than anything I could come up with.
Secondly, after doing some research on the Spice Girls (ie watching Spice World - OMFG does that ever suck in a not-even-as-a-cult-movie kind of way), I've decided to tell you what I want, what I really, really want.....
Is to be the brains behind the operation. To hell with being one of those rent-a-singers with their rent-a-boobies and rent-a-papparazzi. I want to be where the cash is *grin.
Part One:
My beloved not only lets me sleep in, but then brings me coffee in bed when he hears me stirring followed by breakfast in bed. We sat and ate pancakes (he makes killer pancakes) with berries and the good maple syrup that we bought in Quebec while on vacation), and talked about where we're going for the holidays (Calgary to see family and the mountains in winter. And to bug Joanada grin.)
Part Two:
Hunny Bunny had a gig at the Fallsview Casino Sunday night/Monday, so he decided to leave early, and take me with him so we could spend at least part of the day together hanging out. It was gorgeous - sunny but cool enough to keep most of the tourists inside. We wandered around with hot chocolates in hand, generally goofing off.
Time came for him to check in, so we headed back to the hotel, only to find his reservation was for Monday night, not Sunday. Yep, due some communication problems he'd gone a day earlier. Which left us the rest of the day to keep goofing off.
We headed down the Niagara Parkway, and hiked down into the Gorge by the Whirlpool, and just followed the path along the Niagara River.
Words fail me. It was an utterly perfect afternoon.
Part Three:

Tenth. Holy cats! Everything clicked. I played the best I have in a while, and only sucked out someone once when I hit JJ in the SB. After everyone folded, I pushed all in at Change100 in the BB ... however she pushed back with her QQ. Even as I was typing "GG, buh-bye" a Jack hit on the river.
I can't tell you how badly I wanted to see the final table. But when you're short stacked and see AK s00ted and everyone folds around to you, well, it looks like blind steal time. Alas, BB called me and his pocket fours held.
Merci beaucoup to Bloody P who sweated me through most of it and kept me from freaking out (of course, I'm blaming the loss on him *grin - he signed off 5 minutes before I busted out). Muchos gracias also to Joanne, Astin, Fastpitch, and everyone else who sweated and wished well :-)
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In case anyone is wondering where my entry is to Pauly's essay contest, I decided to pass, for two reasons.
Firstly (and more importantly), I've read the other entries. And frankly, they are far, far cleverer than anything I could come up with.
Secondly, after doing some research on the Spice Girls (ie watching Spice World - OMFG does that ever suck in a not-even-as-a-cult-movie kind of way), I've decided to tell you what I want, what I really, really want.....
Is to be the brains behind the operation. To hell with being one of those rent-a-singers with their rent-a-boobies and rent-a-papparazzi. I want to be where the cash is *grin.
Good job last night. I was looking for the king that never came for you. See you at the mookie.
I'm glad you had such a great day, we all need those more often! And I'm thrilled that you will be here in December. Calgary casinos, here we come!!
Sounds like an awesome day!!
Just further proof that a Canadian's idea of a good day is any day that starts with maple syrup. All you needed was hockey and a mounty and it would have been the best canadian day ever.
Sorry, I should have left some pixie dust or something behind when I logged off.
Good to virtually hang with you last night, word.