Behaviours you wouldn't want to see in your kids...
5 Comments Published by katitude on Saturday, June 14, 2008 at 9:58 a.m..
Poor sportsmanship well beyond the range of tilt.
Name calling.
Threats of physical violence.
Hiding behind anonymity to be an asshole to your friends and community.
Hardly honourable traits, are they?
One plus about all the blogger shenanigans over the last few weeks is that an interesting conversation has begun to play out in my head about honour, right, wrong, good, bad, and where I land in thought and deed.
In a truly honest moment of self awareness, I know that at one time or another in my adult life I have done each of the above, all behaviours that have both saddened and infuriated me over the last few weeks when exhibited by other bloggers.
I have been living in one of these:

about to throw a whole bunch of these:

I am in no way condoning this behaviour in myself or in others; as adults we're supposed to be role models. Instead, through laziness and selfishness I/we have become something that I/we should not be proud of.
I'm not going to point fingers or tell people what to do, I'm sure there's justifications and reasons for how people behave. I/we can all be quite creative in coming up with rationalizations for bad behaviours, big and small. All I can do is look at myself, realize how shallow those reasons and justifications are, and do a some internal house cleaning.
And mildly suggest that others might do the same.
Oh, and fuck you all very much for making the start to my vacation an exercise in soul searching, when it should have been far better spent in martini swilling.
Poor sportsmanship well beyond the range of tilt.
Name calling.
Threats of physical violence.
Hiding behind anonymity to be an asshole to your friends and community.
Hardly honourable traits, are they?
One plus about all the blogger shenanigans over the last few weeks is that an interesting conversation has begun to play out in my head about honour, right, wrong, good, bad, and where I land in thought and deed.
In a truly honest moment of self awareness, I know that at one time or another in my adult life I have done each of the above, all behaviours that have both saddened and infuriated me over the last few weeks when exhibited by other bloggers.
I have been living in one of these:

about to throw a whole bunch of these:
I am in no way condoning this behaviour in myself or in others; as adults we're supposed to be role models. Instead, through laziness and selfishness I/we have become something that I/we should not be proud of.
I'm not going to point fingers or tell people what to do, I'm sure there's justifications and reasons for how people behave. I/we can all be quite creative in coming up with rationalizations for bad behaviours, big and small. All I can do is look at myself, realize how shallow those reasons and justifications are, and do a some internal house cleaning.
And mildly suggest that others might do the same.
Oh, and fuck you all very much for making the start to my vacation an exercise in soul searching, when it should have been far better spent in martini swilling.
Great post and you hit the Nail on the head.
Smoke a Bowl and relax and enjoy your vacation. This too shall pass
I would have been a Teacher if it wasn't for the Kids.
the Donkey Show.
"Oh, and fuck you all very much for making the start to my vacation so soul searching, when it should have been far more martini swilling.
This is the best response I've heard to that last 30 days of virtual felting and pretty much sums up how I think most feel.
I grant you multiple days of drinks on me Kat should we find outselves in near proxmity.
Also, Sorry about my idleness in the donkarama, comast died, yet again, and did not comeback until this morning. :-(
Well said.
I <3 you Kat.
For me, being 'away' has been great.
See you soon!
As JJ would say....
fuck i've been laughing all day about that....
but seriously, enjoy your vacation and i'm so so so so sorry i won't see you this weekend :(