I swear, it feels like Friday
1 Comments Published by katitude on Wednesday, March 05, 2008 at 12:17 p.m..![](https://resources.blogblog.com/img/icon18_edit_allbkg.gif)
I am already deeply in March break mode, and am deeply resentful of all efforts to make me actually teach. The next two days are going to be ugly.
File this in the How evil am I? folder: two days before March Break and I'm giving tests to every class. There's a good reason (they will utterly forget everything in the next two weeks so I need to test it while it's still there or have to teach it again *shudder), and a selfish reason (they will be utterly quiet for the class).
Guess which reason is highest on the list?
I'm resorting to cruising through my statcounter results for entertainment this morning, and can only laugh at the fact that of the 14 people who have found my site because of searches, 9 of the people found it because of the keyword ass.
Reason why I'm going to hell, #4, 284, 637 - I forgot my niece's third birthday on Monday. How quickly can I get something shipped to Calgary?
On a day when you are already antsy and fidgety and easily distracted, it is a REALLY BAD IDEA to eat a handful of chocolate-covered espresso beans.
File this in the How evil am I? folder: two days before March Break and I'm giving tests to every class. There's a good reason (they will utterly forget everything in the next two weeks so I need to test it while it's still there or have to teach it again *shudder), and a selfish reason (they will be utterly quiet for the class).
Guess which reason is highest on the list?
I'm resorting to cruising through my statcounter results for entertainment this morning, and can only laugh at the fact that of the 14 people who have found my site because of searches, 9 of the people found it because of the keyword ass.
Reason why I'm going to hell, #4, 284, 637 - I forgot my niece's third birthday on Monday. How quickly can I get something shipped to Calgary?
On a day when you are already antsy and fidgety and easily distracted, it is a REALLY BAD IDEA to eat a handful of chocolate-covered espresso beans.
We had a visitor that found our site from searching "dip my balls in it"....
I think givning the tests now is a great idea and it helps them.
Smart Teacher.