Lets do the Time Warp again
0 Comments Published by katitude on Monday, March 03, 2008 at 1:29 p.m..
The following is an e-mail from the past, composed on Saturday, March 3, 2007, and sent via FutureMe.org
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Dear FutureMe,
It's saturday night, and I'm on the lazyboy, laptop keeping my legs warm. I'm chatting with Hoyazo, Garth and Zeem while playing poker.
Keith is sleeping, having gone to bed early. again.
So how are you doing?
Apparently I sent an email to myself through FutureMe.org a year ago. I honestly don't remember doing so, but today this little gem landed in my Inbox making my day a little bit more surreal.
Change the names, and it's my last Saturday night. And while not the one before that (Eh-Vegas), it's been a LOT of them before that. It kinda depressed me for a bit... it's all such SSDD.
Then it occurs to me, that I've been needlessly searching for a (social) life... I have one. It just doesn't require me getting putting on makeup or leaving the house. Or even getting out of my comfy clothes if I don't wanna.
Purrrfect! Thank you, IIF'S!
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