We have normality. I repeat, we have normality. Anything you still can't cope with is therefore your own problem.But what do you do if normality is the problem??
~Douglas Adams
After every blogger get-together there is a period of adjustment back to normal that is getting more and more difficult. My awareness of encroaching Real Life hit me about 9pm while at the Niagara poker table with CK, VinNay, Astin and Riggstad, and it's been a downward spiral back into responsible adulthood since then. Which means that I'm working my ass off today and tonight to make up for the work I studiously avoided on the weekend.
So there is no way I can carve out the chunk of time necessary to post about Eh-Vegas until maybe tomorrow afternoon, so here's a picture to tide you over:
And off I go to mark grade 9 papers and create lesson plans for the inspection tomorrow.
Normality sucks.
Thankfully I lost my map to normality a long time ago. It's no big deal, I never liked it there anyway.
Yeah right, I'd have to actually leave Toronto for this to be over. I may just have to "accidentally" miss my flight today.
I'm sure the kid, cats, and jobs will understand.
It was great to see you again!
Thanks for letting me in on the boob action.
You rock. Now go do some work. :)