In five days (or is it four?)
10 Comments Published by katitude on Monday, February 18, 2008 at 2:05 p.m..

Saturday is the day when the degenerates conglomerate in the T-Dot for some poker and silliness.
The game has been moved to 8, to accommodate Astin's need for recovery on Saturday before cooking for 20.
Yes, you read right, I said 20. That is the top limit of peeps that poor Astin is willing to slave over a hot stove for; and according to the list I have there are approximately 26 people attending Eh-Vegas. Now you've seen me play poker and know how math-challenged I am, but even I can see those numbers don't work. So please let Astin or I know if you're coming for dinner or not.
And also let me know if you're coming to play pokah as we're on the cusp of needing another table, and I'd like to give the club some notice. We're at an 8pm start time, buyin is $50 + $10 (for the dealers) for T3000 with one addon of T1500 for $20. If you bust in the first hour, you can get one rebuy, $50 for another T3000.
For the Yanks who are venturing across the border, here's some bits:
- Get some Canadian cash. Most places will take $US, but as Astin has mentioned, they will bend you over and have their way with you on the exchange rate.
- Canadian money is different colours, and yes it takes some getting used to, but once you do there is zero chance of drunkenly handing the cab driver a fifty for an $18 fare and saying "keep the change" because it looked exactly the same as a twenty. Not that that's ever happened to me.
- Speaking of Canadian money, the $1 and $2 coins get heavy after a while. Re-enforce your pockets.
- Booze: we have it, but unless you're in a bar, it can only be purchased through central provincial run locations that close at 9. No point throwing a wobbly over it, that's how it is. It's better than it was, and there are people working to bring it into the new millennium, but for now, get your libations before 9. There's an LCBO by the club, and we'll make a run before the game starts.
- You may have heard the nasty rumours that we're on the metric system up here. If you're at all interested, this a good conversion site is here with some printable charts.
Tentative itinerary:
Friday: who knows. Astin has thrown out the names of some good restaurants and bars, all with plusses and minusses in terms of space, location, food, beer selection. Al has mentioned strip clubs. What do y'all want to do?
Saturday: recovery. brunch. shopping. whatever until 5-5:30 when we descend upon Astin's for dinner.
Sunday: recovery. brunch. Niagara Falls. whatever.
As official "requester of an Astin meal," and still feeling more guilty about it, as the numbers grow, make no mistake about it, Peb's and I will be drooling over some Elk.
We will both also be "attending" poker and sitting at the tables as any good degenerate is want to do. As for "playing poker," your guess is as good as mine!
I've had a short chat with Astin. Peb's and I will be 'T-spotting' quite a bit earlier in the day than anticipated. You both have the number, so give us a shout when the urge comes across you.
We have back-up Scotch, (I heard Riggs might have 1 or 2!) SoCo, (some PA Hippie might need it!) and a very nice bottle of each, a 2005 CLOUDY BAY Chardonnay and a 2001 Kumeu River Village MERLOT, both some of New Zealand's finest drop. These will all be coming for Dinner.
As for what to do Friday night, a brilliant and beautiful young woman once advised me, "Don't try to plan, just let it happen. The best times always happen that way."
Some of the best advice I've ever heard.
As for the "Sutton Place stayers," Let me know who you are and what name the room is registered under.
bambamofcan at g mail dot com
I just want to make sure that your room is up to snuff.
Hey Bambam and Kat waiting to hear from Riggs and AL (as is CK) just wht time the Riggs/Al express will be pulling in to Toronto.. We are Sutton Placing!!!
Oh yes, for those of you who dont know I am a tee-totaler/latte lover. Been sober a good 18 years now. Ill bring some Caffeine Free Diet Pepsi
Oh yes, for those of you who dont know I am a tee-totaler/latte lover. Been sober a good 18 years now. Ill bring some Caffeine Free Diet Pepsi
I am in for whatever is going on.
No idea if / when the Riggsmobile is pulling into town.
Pray for us.
I'm in for Astin dinner! He's an awesome cook I hear.
Good call IG. I have Diet Coke (although I despise all things diet), but no Diet Pepsi, so if you're picky about that sort of thing, BYODP. I can whip you up a latte or tea if you'd like too :).
Pokertart will be joining you in the non-boozy front, so you won't be not drinking alone.
I think my dinner count is up to 18 confirmed (Al, Rigg, CK, Lucktruck, IG, Kat, Martini Goddess, Joanne, Me, BamBam, Pebbles, 4 more TuckFards, PokerTark, Bankwell, and Iakaris?). If I'm wrong on any of those, let me know.
That should light a fire under stragglers' asses.
Oh thank the lord for Yummy-Mommy!
I was so worried that IG would have to not drink alone, I started cutting back to near detox levels just in case.
Wheeeeeeeew !
Right then, back into training as soon as I get home!
I would love to make a trip like this someday. Unfortunately it's not in the cards right now.
I was wondering (since I don't have any readers yet...or ever) if you could stumble over to my blog and read the post from feb 20th(it's long, sorry) and give me some feedback. On the post and on the play. If it's too much trouble no biggie, but I don't like posting on forums to get flamed all day and I am desperate for a little feedback to keep my sanity (if there ever was any).
Enjoy your trip!
I'm so looking forward to this!
Irongirl - we can teetotal together. Let it be known, that while I revel in a good bevvy...the lack of alcohol will not impair my ability to act like a total goof anyway ;)