my husband owes me money!
0 Comments Published by katitude on Tuesday, December 06, 2005 at 10:04 p.m..
At least $34 and at the most $81, which is what I might have won tonight. The story goes like this....
I'm playing in the WWdN: Wils Folly on Stars, and I think I'm not doing too badly, five players left; then the phone rings. It's Hunny Bunny.
Now Hunny Bunny travels a lot, and I miss him when he's not around (although if he's not here I can play poker all night without anyone reminding me that I have work tomorrow), so I tend to jump at the phone when I know it's going to be him (I don't know how I know it's him...I just do).
And usually it's a quickie phone call; hi, love ya, gig is good/bad/a total rash, love ya, bye. But tonight he was all chit-chatty, and who am I to cut off my beloved for a poker game?
End result; out in fifth for doing a donkey move...chasing something or other against someone who had KK.
And it's all his fault. He distracted me *grin. In a good way *huge grin. But he still owes me money.
I'm playing in the WWdN: Wils Folly on Stars, and I think I'm not doing too badly, five players left; then the phone rings. It's Hunny Bunny.
Now Hunny Bunny travels a lot, and I miss him when he's not around (although if he's not here I can play poker all night without anyone reminding me that I have work tomorrow), so I tend to jump at the phone when I know it's going to be him (I don't know how I know it's him...I just do).
And usually it's a quickie phone call; hi, love ya, gig is good/bad/a total rash, love ya, bye. But tonight he was all chit-chatty, and who am I to cut off my beloved for a poker game?
End result; out in fifth for doing a donkey move...chasing something or other against someone who had KK.
And it's all his fault. He distracted me *grin. In a good way *huge grin. But he still owes me money.
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