Life Tilt. Fugly, fugly life tilt.
A massage here got ride of the the 5-day headache finally.
Then a nice dinner here.

Went for a 2-hour walk along the Beltline Trail, which runs through Mount Pleasant Cemetery. Insert appropriate mini-epiphany about perspective here.
The BritBloggerment win was on this side of the pond this week.
And yes, I'm going to do my utmost to keep it there next weekend too *grin.



Went for a 2-hour walk along the Beltline Trail, which runs through Mount Pleasant Cemetery. Insert appropriate mini-epiphany about perspective here.

And yes, I'm going to do my utmost to keep it there next weekend too *grin.
That's exactly what weekends should be. A little fun, a little relaxing and a poker win.
Well done on taking down the Bloggerment! Not sure about the title staying in Canada though ;-)