"Let's think the unthinkable, let's do the undoable, let's prepare to grapple with the ineffable itself, and see if we may not eff it after all."
1 Comments Published by katitude on Saturday, March 29, 2008 at 10:14 p.m..
Q. What's the first sign that there's a Big Game on Sunday?
A. There's like 12 bloggers signed up for the $75 token frenzy the night before.
I have not been all that successful in acquiring my token for the Big Game, but truth be told I'm not doing a full court press for it yet. Hopefully I can grab one tomorrow after a good night's sleep.
So very tired.
I've come to the conclusion that yes, I am in fact too old now for too many late nights backed up in a row. Wednesday was heartburn from too much Indian food (so good but so deadly); Thursday night was due to WAY too much fun in the girlie chat until the wee hours (and I mean fun bay-bee!); and last night was chaperoning a Grade 5 sleep-over at the school.
Don't get me wrong, I adore the grade 5's - they're still fearless and fun, and haven't yet begun to believe marketers and media. If you look closely, you can see the people they're about to become. But they're still young enough that the late night monsters can be very real, and I found myself awake at 2:00, 3:00, 3:15, 4:20 and 5:45 soothing fears and drying tears.
Took me all bloody day today to recover. Being soothing and calming is a stretch for me at the best of times...it's a herculean feat while dead tired.
I did disappear for a while and fire up Full Tilt, and played the Donkament while the other teacher watched a movie with the kids. It was a perfect Donkament ... fun and wild and maddening all rolled into one. I think I bought about 32 rebuys, and was laughing so hard at the screen a few times that the oh-so-curious 11-year-olds had to know what was going on (sidenote: nothing drives a 11-year-old girl crazier than an adult telling them that something is none of their business). Julius Goat is a very funny guy...I wish I could remember more of the table chat than the Pizza Hut cheese coffin ad and the visual of Waffle's death by kitten.
Oh now I remember...it all started with comments about his bloggers are like pizza post. And went deliciously downhill from there.
I guess maybe you had to be there *grin.
A. There's like 12 bloggers signed up for the $75 token frenzy the night before.
I have not been all that successful in acquiring my token for the Big Game, but truth be told I'm not doing a full court press for it yet. Hopefully I can grab one tomorrow after a good night's sleep.
So very tired.
I've come to the conclusion that yes, I am in fact too old now for too many late nights backed up in a row. Wednesday was heartburn from too much Indian food (so good but so deadly); Thursday night was due to WAY too much fun in the girlie chat until the wee hours (and I mean fun bay-bee!); and last night was chaperoning a Grade 5 sleep-over at the school.
Don't get me wrong, I adore the grade 5's - they're still fearless and fun, and haven't yet begun to believe marketers and media. If you look closely, you can see the people they're about to become. But they're still young enough that the late night monsters can be very real, and I found myself awake at 2:00, 3:00, 3:15, 4:20 and 5:45 soothing fears and drying tears.
Took me all bloody day today to recover. Being soothing and calming is a stretch for me at the best of times...it's a herculean feat while dead tired.
I did disappear for a while and fire up Full Tilt, and played the Donkament while the other teacher watched a movie with the kids. It was a perfect Donkament ... fun and wild and maddening all rolled into one. I think I bought about 32 rebuys, and was laughing so hard at the screen a few times that the oh-so-curious 11-year-olds had to know what was going on (sidenote: nothing drives a 11-year-old girl crazier than an adult telling them that something is none of their business). Julius Goat is a very funny guy...I wish I could remember more of the table chat than the Pizza Hut cheese coffin ad and the visual of Waffle's death by kitten.
Oh now I remember...it all started with comments about his bloggers are like pizza post. And went deliciously downhill from there.
I guess maybe you had to be there *grin.
I have a question about the Donkament. By winning, doeas tht mean I am Donkey of the week? hehe. I think I am probably a much bigger donkey than that. I did, and do, enjoy the fun conversation. Makes me wish I could type and play at the same time. . .or even be able to do either at one time. In all seriousness, thank you for hosting.