Holy crap that was fun last night!
Joanne is now back from her self imposed exile (jesus christ woman - FOUR jobs?? you're mad), and played the Mookie and Dookie last night. We fired up a big ole girlie chant and the silliness started. The Mookie was a laugh again, without the pressure of the BBT hanging over it.
Now don't get me wrong, I love the BBT challenges and truly appreciate the hard work that Al puts in to them. But I also dearly love when they're over, and the fun games go back to being fun games. Still competitive, but not so cut-throat anymore.
I busted out of the Mookie quickly - not quite record time, but close at 17 minutes. It was an honourable death: AT vs Chad's AK, the board was AA something, K, something. Then on to the Dookie - I think perhaps maybe I should play more limit. Through some odd quirk of fate, I came in second. I know! I'm shocked too! Just wish I could remember what I did to channel the doneky suckout gods.
I had so much fun that even getting the blue screen of death 5 times couldn't tilt me. This morning is another story however. So I'm saying a big huge fuck it, and am spending my first day of the holidays not shopping and goofing off as I'd planned, but backing up, wiping, and reconfiguring my laptop. Then I'm going to try and figure out why my sidebar looks so shitty in IE. And then I'm going to try and figure out why people still use IE instead of Firefox.
Yippee skippee.
Good luck to all those playing the BBT TOC and the freeroll tonight!
Joanne is now back from her self imposed exile (jesus christ woman - FOUR jobs?? you're mad), and played the Mookie and Dookie last night. We fired up a big ole girlie chant and the silliness started. The Mookie was a laugh again, without the pressure of the BBT hanging over it.
Now don't get me wrong, I love the BBT challenges and truly appreciate the hard work that Al puts in to them. But I also dearly love when they're over, and the fun games go back to being fun games. Still competitive, but not so cut-throat anymore.
I busted out of the Mookie quickly - not quite record time, but close at 17 minutes. It was an honourable death: AT vs Chad's AK, the board was AA something, K, something. Then on to the Dookie - I think perhaps maybe I should play more limit. Through some odd quirk of fate, I came in second. I know! I'm shocked too! Just wish I could remember what I did to channel the doneky suckout gods.

Yippee skippee.
Good luck to all those playing the BBT TOC and the freeroll tonight!
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