Coo roo coo coo coo coo coo coo
6 Comments Published by katitude on Friday, May 18, 2007 at 8:48 a.m..

If you don't know what I'm talking aboot, feel free to pass right on over this, ya hoser. Take off,eh!
It's the May Two Four weekend (aka the official start to summer's drinking and fishing) up here in the Great White North, and coincidentally enough, the twenty-fourth anniversary of Bob and Doug's movie Strange Brew. So they're re-releasing the movie this weekend, and there's a special on the CBC at 9 tonight. So I'm grabbing a two-four of stubbies, frying up some peameal bacon, and settling in to watch while I buy in numerous times at the Blogger Donkament tonight.
Deets on the Donkament:
Full tilt Poker
Buy in = 1 +1, unlimited rebuys* for the first hour, one add-on.
EDIT: Fuck, I'm an idiot. Too excited for the long weekend I guess. Thx Hoy.
And don't forget there's the BritBloggerment and the Big Game on Sunday. Since it's a long weekend, I'm hoping to be elsewhere on Sunday, but who knows..maybe I'll see you there!
Tournament: BritBloggerment
When: Sunday, May 20th, 4:00 pm ET
Game: NLHE
Buyin: $5 +.50
password: donkament
Tournament: Blogger Big Game
When: Sunday, May 20th, 21:30pm ET
Game: NLHE Deepstack
Buyin: $69+6 or token
password: donkey
* Yes, unlimited rebuys. For a buck. So stop being so damn tight.
Thanks to my man James, the Blue Screen of Death is no more on the laptop. AND my iPod has stopped being wrangy (I reformatted it anyway just in case). All data has now been backed up, and I am calm once more.
I was going to go off on a poker rant a la Waffles and Hoy, but it's a nice day, a long weekend is coming, my tech woes are over, and my fridge is full of beer. I'm just not in the right headspace for it anymore. But I encourage some of the donks in the Riverchasers last night, please, keep playing like that (who knew that J8 was such a frigging monster) for I know you will eventually pay me off.
It's late, but I played live on Wed at the club with Astin. It was a lot of fun, AND I final tabled. I finished two from the money, but I left happy - I played well, and re-learned the lesson on overly tight play in the late stages of an MTT. The best hand was when we were down to 3 tables, and I was shortstacked at 1800 chips, blinds were 600/1200 at this point (I think). I was getting crap, and had been folding like it was my job. I had the button, and decided to pull the plug and get home in time for the Mookie. I went all in blind, a move which seemed to impress the hell out of the rest of the table. I don't remember the betting sequence, but I tripled up when JT off made a straight on the river. Sometimes the poker gods do actually crack a smile.
hey just got around to reading about this meme challenge... what the hell do I gotta do?
Also early in June we have to set a good date for some live poker action. Been too long since I had a bit of fun at the club.
Okay, so like....I wish I was up there so I could put on my touqe and celebrate properly, eh.
Strange Brew is one of my favorite movies and Bob and Doug are the reason I can imitate a Canadian accent, eh.
I'll see you online tonight, eh. Don't know if I'm playing in the donkament (I might play LHE instead), but I'll be around, eh.
I have no idea what "wrangy" means.....but I love it.
Kat, is that password "donkament" again this week, or back to "donkarama" like it usually is? Just want to avoid a repeat of earlier problems....
That's what I said Duggle...the word 'Wrangy' I don't know why but it kills me....
How did I miss the $1 re-buys? I must break the re-buy record one of these days!!