Does this bike my butt look fast?
6 Comments Published by katitude on Saturday, April 21, 2007 at 9:12 p.m..

Here's an actual shot of the new bike, taken yesterday after going rollerblading; my blades fit in the hardcases and life is good. Yes, it was a gorgeous day here in the formerly frozen North, sunny and 25 degrees (80F).
T'was the same again today with the added bonus of a day off for Hunny Bunny, so we took off and cruised around the countryside. We rode through small hamlets and villages with names like Zephyr and Utopia, and slowed through Goodwood as we passed a small, shady cemetery that was completed carpeted in purple violets. The church beside it had one of those signs with the interchangeable letters that read:
"Laying in bed on Sunday morning and shouting "Oh God" does not constitute going to church."Indeed, lol.
Nice wheels. And the motorcycle looks good, too.
Stacie and I almost did the same thing on Saturday afternoon. I bet that was a blast.
Nice bike! I had to share that Church quote with my officemates :) Thanks for bringing laughter to an otherwise dreary Monday!
Nice Bike.
Does Hunny Bunny ride Bitch???
Great quote from the church Kat!
Wasn't the weekend gorgeous? All the Bramptonites were out on their lawns, blinking into the sunshine!
Sweet ride ;)